Scope of Work
This statement of work describes and defines the services, which are required for the removal of hazard trees from five Polk County Conservation parks at the specified locations included in this ITB. The contractor shall provide all services described herein and any other services required to complete the project. Activities may include, but are not limited to felling, limbing, bucking, hauling logs, chipping & wood chip removal/disposal, stump grinding/removal including backfill will topsoil, compaction, and grading. Care should be taken to avoid disturbance to desirable vegetation, soils, and park infrastructure. Work should be performed when conditions will minimize impacts to soils (i.e. when ground is frozen or dry) and park use is low, limiting danger for the public. Contractor will be responsible for successfully reseeding and providing erosion control in disturbed areas. Maps of approximate tree locations (within 10ft) have been provided. All trees to be removed will be marked by PCC staff with a large red X.
Additional work to be completed is the removal of all standing live and dead trees on Polk County property within and adjacent to a ravine in the Fourmile Creek Greenway, as well as downed woody and other loose debris within the ravine proper (see attached map for location). The contractor shall provide all services described herein and any other services required to complete the project. Activities include felling, limbing, bucking, hauling logs, and removal/disposal of all woody debris. Care should be taken to avoid damage to soils and adjacent private property. Contractor will be responsible for successfully reseeding and providing erosion control in disturbed areas outside the ravine proper (i.e. flatter areas not including banks and bottom of ravine proper). Work should be performed when conditions will minimize impacts to soils (i.e. when ground is frozen or dry) and lower use limits danger to the public.
The Natural ResourcesManager’s interpretation of all specifications shall be final. All work shall be in accordance with all applicable federal and state laws, and environmental regulation.
The project will be a lump sum bid. Additional payments for increased quantities, labor or equipment usage will only be allowed if a change order is warranted due to a change in project scope or unforeseen conditions. Polk County Conservation will not provide price adjustments for cost increases or decreases in the price of fuel.
In cases of discrepancy between this scope and the specifications, the scope will take precedence.
The work will begin upon written authorization by the Polk County Conservation, and must be completed by March 31, 2022. No guarantee of minimum or maximum amounts per bid item is made by the County under this Contract.