This contract requires furnishing labor, equipment, and all materials & hardware necessary to install new, or repair existing street name and traffic signs Countywide. Scope of work as well as type & quantities of the materials needed shall be based on County-issued work orders. Contractor compensation will be strictly based on his/her bid prices for the appropriate pay items listed on the “Quotation Sheet”. All materials and labor not specifically referenced in the various pay items, but deemed necessary for successful completion of the work shall be considered incidental and included in Contractor’s unit prices for the various pay items. See Sections 6.2 & 6.3 of these specifications for Measurement & Payment.
The new sign assemblies to be installed will generally consist of: 1) aluminum street name and/or traffic sign panels on single post; 2) aluminum street name and/or traffic sign panels
to be affixed to existing street light poles or traffic signal poles; 3) traffic sign panels on either two or three posts as directed; and 4) combination street name sign/traffic sign assemblies on either one or two posts as directed. Repairs to existing sign assemblies will consist generally of 1) repairing sign panels; 2) replacing missing sign panels or assemblies; 3) removing existing sign panels and replacing with new sign panels; 4) removing and replacing existing posts; and 5) adding supplemental sign panels, as directed by work orders. All signs shall be fabricated and installed per County-issued work order. The County reserves the right to issue work orders under this contract to the Contractor for installation or repair of other types of signs as the County's needs dictate, and will supply drawings governing placement of such other types of signs as necessary. The installation or repair of such other types of signs that the County may call for will not require the Contractor to expend a level of work effort that is substantially greater than the level of work effort required to install or repair standard roadway signs, although the location standards may differ. The bid unit prices established in the contract shall govern compensation for all work orders.