Full Title: Senior Citizens Fire Safety Education, Outreach Services and Assessment and Correction of Potential Fire Hazards.
This solicitation is reserved for only application submitted/certified local small businesses timely registered with the County’s LSBRP. This solicitation thus comes under County Code, sections 11B-17A; 11B-65; 11B-70 and Executive Regulation 21-05AM. These documents can be accessed through the LSBRP web site at (www.montgomerycountymd.gov/LSBRP).
The County is seeking a qualified entity (“the Contractor”) that can develop and provide fire safety and injury prevention education, engagement, outreach and training programs to the community, businesses, property owners, civic associations, and other groups to minimize risk at the community level and provide training and resources in the community. The Contractor will be responsible for identifying, assessing, and meeting the needs of County seniors and high-risk residents and will interface regularly with MCFRS, leadership in other County departments, local businesses, and other organizations and agencies focused on addressing the safety needs of the community and aging residents. The Contractor will be responsible for cultivating strategic partnerships through community outreach and educational programs, activities, and services.