Summary of Specifications:
The Charter Township of Independence (Township) seeks to acquire an ECM platform to serve as the single and central Enterprise Content Management System (ECM) platform for all Departments. The Township also wishes to streamline processes to improve the way in which employees retain access, share, analyze, and process critical information through the use of ECM technology. The ideal system must be: robust and affordable; integrate seamlessly with the Township's BS&A, ESRI GIS and Azteca Cityworks CMMS; mobile and provide a migratory capability to incorporate existing DMS content from the Secure-IT (f.k.a. FileBound)System. The Township also utilizes RescueNet, RecPro & Manager+, FitPro+ and CodePAL applications that they would also like to be able to integrate ECM to where possible. The System must also incorporate the technologies of Workflow, Content Management (keyword searching), Reporting/Visual Data Modeling, and Data Capture using both Optical Character and Intelligent Character Recognition (OCR/ICR). As part of this project, the successful vendor must work with the Township's IT provider I.T. Right to facilitate server hardware and network requirements and installation.