Summary of Specifications:
Independence Township is seeking bids for new carpet at the Senior Community Center at 6000 Clarkston Road in Clarkston.
All bids must be similar or equal to patcraft collection pdQ4 Modular, style-Z6373 Splurge (see attached specification sheet). Requested Color is Spa Treatment- 00347. Quote includes removal of existing carpet and delivery, freight and installation of new carpet in a checkerboard pattern. The carpet will be laid directly on the concrete without padding. We ask that you measure at no charge to us and are requesting the product and color listed above. The square footage of material needed for the job is 1,680.
Independence Township is tax exempt and the Employer identification number is 38-60006906. Please note this is a Federally Funded project. The Contractor and Subcontractors on this project must comply with HUD contract provisions 24 CFR part 85.36(i), the Davis-Bacon Act, Nondiscrimination, Equal Employment Opportunity, Affirmative Action, Section 3 requirements, Anti-Kickback Act, Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act and Department of Labor Standards and Regulations as set forth in the Contract Bid Documents. This municipality is an equal opportunity employer, businesses owned by women or minorities are strongly encouraged to bid.
The above bid information will be posted on our Independence Township Website, Clarkston News and the Michigan Intragovernmental Trade Network (MITN) Website. The deadline for all sealed bids will be Monday, August 8, 2016 before 2:00 p.m. in the Clerk’s office at 6483 Waldon Center Drive, Clarkston, MI 48346. All bids will be opened immediately after 2:00 p.m. Please send all of the bids to the Independence Township Clerk’s attention and bids must be valid for 60 days. Bid Specs and CDBG requirements including prevailing wage will be available at the Senior Community Center on 6000 Clarkston Road or could be taken off the Oakland County Community and Home Improvement Website: nities.aspx If you have any additional questions you can contact me at the number listed below.