Summary of Specifications:
Description of Work The project consists of improvements to an existing sanitary sewage pumping station including the following specific items of work: a new 250kW diesel-powered electrical generator set, new motor control center, new pump motors, new activated carbon odor control unit, replacement of existing knife-gate and swing-check valves, a new roof for the existing building, and other miscellaneous improvements as described in the project documents. The Station is to remain in continuous operation during all construction activities. A Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting will be held at 9:30 AM local time on Tuesday October 4, 2011. The meeting will be held at the Depot Park, located northwest of the M-15 Pump Station. Take Depot Road (a one-way street) west from S. Main Street (M-15) in Clarkston. Parking is available on the west side of Depot Road. At this time, Contractors will also have the opportunity to access the station which is within walking distance from the meeting location. No other times will be allocated for access to the station. Attendance is required for prospective bidders.