Summary of Specifications:
Independence Television, the community cable channels for the Charter Township of Independence, Michigan, is seeking bids to completely re-equip their television studio. This studio is used by volunteers and amateur video hobbyists to create live and recorded programs on a wide range of topics of interest to the community. The equipment needs to be rugged and relatively easy to learn, but still provide high-quality digital content. The system will be built around the Newtek Tricaster 855 video switcher and JVC ENG / Studio Cameras. Specifications are listed in the attached document. Please note that all necessary cabling, monitors, computers and software should be included in your bid. Independence Television will not be reusing any existing equipment. The goal with this new setup is to provide an attractive, state-of-the-art facility that will encourage local residents to get involved in community television. They should feel that they are a part of something big and exciting, but we must still be responsible in spending the funds with which they have entrusted us. Interested vendors are encouraged, but not required to schedule a tour of the facility. This will provide a better understanding of the available space and layout. To arrange for a site visit please contact Joe Barnhart, Independence Television Program Manager, at, or call 248-673-9581.