Summary of Specifications:
1. General • Independence Township (the Township) operates and maintains numerous wells, well water supply systems, and well water treatment plants throughout the Township. For this reason, Independence Township is soliciting proposals from companies specializing in the work listed under SERVICES below. • Services shall be provided on an as-needed basis and only at the request and direction of Independence Township. • Interested Vendors may submit his/her proposal for all or part of this request. 2. Services • Potable well and pump performance testing, evaluation and inspection. • Potable well cleaning and rehabilitation. • Pumping equipment repair and overhaul. • Comprehensive hydrogeological services including the following at a minimum. o Comprehensive hydrogeologic studies. o Aquifer performance testing and analysis. • Alignment and Vibration testing. • Asset management and energy audits of wells/tanks/etc. • Water quality investigations • Filter installation, inspection, and maintenance including filter media core sampling, testing and analysis, cleaning, and replacement. • Well repair services. • Repair services for horizontal booster pumps. • Contractor will be expected to respond and to provide repair services within four hours of being contacted by the Township. • Camera and Video inspection to Potable Well and Pump performance testing, evaluation and inspection. • To include Report and note that services being recommended are to be used as a guide to services that the Township will be interested in pursuing over three (3) year period. • Provide a list of the sites that might be done first, what would be done and a timeline as to those that might be done in the next year or two. 3. Service Report When work is performed under this contract, a comprehensive report shall be submitted to Independence Township regarding the work completed. The format of this report shall be agreed upon by the contractor and Independence Township. This report shall include, at a minimum, the date the work was completed, the names of the individual(s) completing the work, and a detailed description of the work completed such as pump installers reports and test data sheets.