Summary of Specifications:
Work to be done includes renovations to the Ann Arbor WWTP, including the demolition and reconstruction of the existing West Plant structures and facilities and the rehabilitation of the East Plant. Construction includes, but is not limited to: primary clarifiers, primary building, aeration tanks, blower building, central electrical building, ferric buildings, secondary clarifiers, new administration building, renovation of existing maintenance building, environmental abatement, new stormwater system, removal of the existing 4800 V electrical distribution system and replacement with a new 13.2 KV electrical distribution system, and the rehabilitation of the east primary clarifiers, east aeration tanks, east blower building (including new blowers) and east secondary clarifiers. Work also includes depressurizing an artesian groundwater condition, groundwater dewatering, geotechnical instrumentation, construction sequencing, earth retention systems, concrete pier foundations, concrete and gate repairs, earthen embankment improvements, and utility relocation and replacement.