The City of Ann Arbor (City) is soliciting proposals for Outside Plant (OSP) Network
Design, Fiber and Conduit Route Planning, and Permitting for the Downtown
Development Authority (DDA) District located in the City of Ann Arbor (see Attachment
A). The City’s goal is to build a dense, sustainable, and flexible fiber and conduit
infrastructure foundation to accommodate connectivity and access for the community,
government agencies, education, Libraries, non-profit, public, commercial, and private
organizations. It will foster, public safety, economic development, collaboration,
innovation, Smart City initiatives, and be a “Technology Park” for technology
development and deployment.
The new infrastructure will take into consideration and integrate the city’s existing
infrastructure (if feasible), and build new infrastructure to enhance current community
programs such as a Traffic Management System, Safety Services, Community
Services, Public Services, Transportation, Mobility, Autonomous vehicles,
Environmental Sustainability, Parking, etc…
The new infrastructure will minimize visual pollution, leverage the City’s power
distribution infrastructure, accommodate multi-tenant needs and building-to-building
connectivity, provide technology/service options, be environmentally responsible,
provide excess capacity, be highly available, and minimize risk.
The city’s FY2020 budget approved $500,000.00 for the design, planning, and
permitting project and additional funding in FY2021. The Information Technology
Department will oversee the project, direction, and quality of work of this contractor.
The construction of the design/planning proposed via this RFP will be handled through
a separate Invitation to Bid Process and the company selected via this RFP will not
be permitted to provide a bid for the construction.