The SmartZone is seeking the services of an audit firm to conduct an audit of the
contract the Ann Arbor/Ypsilanti SmartZone (SmartZone) has with its primary vendor,
Ann Arbor SPARK (SPARK), a 501(c)(6) entity. The SmartZone has been in place for
fourteen years, but annually contracts with SPARK to provide economic development
services. The SmartZone, as a Tax Increment Financing entity, captures a portion of
the property taxes from private parcels located within the City’s downtown district. The
funds are expended for the facilitation of the commercialization of research products
being developed at the University of Michigan, Eastern Michigan University, and other
community institutions, and the development of high technology enterprises that, but
for this Plan, would be deferred or located outside the Cities and this State. The
SmartZone typically audits the SPARK contract every two years. The SmartZone is
seeking contract audit services for a period of six years or three contracts, whichever
comes first. The selected firm will coordinate work with SPARK and the SmartZone.
The primary contact from the SmartZone will be the Secretary, Tom Crawford, who
will oversee the direction and quality of work of this engagement.