Summary of Specifications:
The DDA is requesting that interested developers submit proposals. The amount of information submitted is not limited to a set number of pages, but we ask that you be concise and mindful of the review team. The proposal must include a Letter of Interest, as well as the following content:
Development Entity. Identify the development entity that would enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the DDA/City, including all intended partners to the extent known at the time of submittal. Please indicate complete listing of names, titles, addresses, and phone numbers, as well as the primary contact person.
Project History. Provide evidence of a substantial multi-family project(s) that the development entity is currently undertaking or has completed. A substantial project is defined as having a minimum private investment of $5 million and includes one or more of the following uses: retail, residential, office, and parking.
References. Please provide at least one reference for the DDA/City of contact in relation to each applicable above referenced projects. Allow proprietary information related to prior development to be reviewed by select members of the review team if requested.
Vision. A complete project description and renderings that as close as possible relates to the design intent described within this RFP.
Financial Capability. Provide evidence of developing and financing similar projects. A sworn statement certifying that the submitting entity is not delinquent to any local, County, State or Federal taxing jurisdiction in any property, income, or business taxes must also be provided.