Summary of Specifications:
The successful bidder will provide Avaya Maintenance service, Avaya system upgrades as required and Avaya equipment additions as required. It is the Cities intention to take advantage of the features, applications and appliances provided through the software and hardware enhancements and updates that are an integral part of the Avaya communication solutions. In addition the awarded vendor will provide any necessary wiring repair, troubleshooting, etc. as necessary to maintain a fully functional communications system.
A complete inventory of equipment is included herein. All items listed will be considered for maintenance. The selected vendor will review the list with the City and discuss potential areas of savings or items that should not be included for maintenance. The City will continue to maintain a reserve inventory of phones, handsets, etc. that allows City staff easy replacement of routine maintenance. Most moves, adds and changes will be be handled by City staff and only higher level technical requests will be handled by the vendor. In all cases, requests will be made by the Central Services Department of the City.