Northville, Michigan 48167 until 10:30 A.M. local time on September 13, 2023 for CITY OF NORTHVILLE 2023 PAVEMENT MARKING PROGRAM as specified. This invitation for bids with all pages, documents, and attachments contained herein, or subsequently added to and made a part hereof, submitted as a fully and properly executed bid shall constitute a contract between the City of Northville and the successful bidder when approved and accepted on behalf of the City by an authorized official or agent of the City.
All bidders shall complete the Bid and Award page and submit all information requested herein in order for a bid to be responsive. Failure to do so may result in the bid being rejected as non-responsive. The bid document shall be returned in its entirety, in a properly identified and sealed envelope to the City Clerks Office, 215 W. Main Street, Northville, Michigan 48167. This bid shall bear the inscription “Bid for CITY OF NORTHVILLE 2023 PAVEMENT MARKING PROGRAM.” Bids must be received before the time of the Bid Opening. Late bids will not be considered. The City reserves the right to postpone the Bid Opening for its own convenience.
Proof of required insurance will also be required if awarded a contract.
The Contractor will be expected to comply with all regulations specified in Title VI as outlined in this document.
The City of Northville reserves the right to waive any irregularity or informality in bids, to reject any and/or all bids, in whole or in part, or to award any contract to other than the low bidder, should it be deemed in its best interest to do so.