The Bid Requirements and Contract Documents may be examined at the following locations:
Construction Association Builders Exchange Builders Exchange
43636 Woodward Ave. 1249 E. Saginaw St. 67 Front Ave., NW Suite 330
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 Lansing, MI 48909 Grand Rapids, MI 49501
At the OFFICE of the ENGINEER and at the OFFICE of Mike Domine.
Printed copies, Electronic copies, or Documents on Flash drives with the Bidding Documents may be obtained from the office of DIXON ENGINEERING, INC., 1104 Third Avenue, Lake Odessa, Michigan, 48849 (Issuing Office) upon payment for handling charge of each set in the respective format. Payment for handling charges should be made to Dixon Engineering, Incorporated. There will be no refund of handling charge for return of specification packages, or in the digital format.
Bidding Requirements$200.00
Electronic download of Bidding Requirements by email (PDF)$100.00
For further requirements regarding bid submittal, qualifications, procedures, and contract award, refer to the Instructions to Bidders, and if applicable Supplemental Instructions to Bidders, that are included in the Bidding Requirements.
Note l: The Engineer assumes no responsibility to supply Builders Exchanges and similar plan review rooms with all addenda issued. An attempt will be made to do so; however, only registered plan holders will be notified by email of expected or late term addendum with short preparation times.
Note 2: Prequalification of BIDDERS - Dixon Engineering will review qualifications of all Contractors and determine their status. Contractors will be prequalified for different sized tanks and towers based on experience, workmanship, successful Project completions with DIXON and Contractor’s financial data. Prequalification protocol is in the Instructions to Bidders. Any Contractor who has any projects in dispute or unfinished because of Contract problems will be considered NOT prequalified. Disqualification will result in the return of any handling fee for Bidding Documents.
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