The City of Northville is seeking engineering design services for Rural Hill Drive Bridge Superstructure Replacement. The City objective is to replace the deteriorated bridge. Rural Hill Bridge is the only entrance into the only active Rural Hill Cemetery in the City of Northville. The bridge encounters daily vehicle and foot traffic throughout the year.
Since 2016, the City identified that the bridge on Rural Hill Drive needs to be significantly rehabilitated or replaced. In 2022 a resolution by City Council and application was submitted to MDOT for 2025 funding. The City has secured funding through the MDOT Local Bridge Program.
This project involves the replacement of the superstructure on the single span precast concrete double t-beam bridge structure carrying Rural Hill Drive over Johnson Drain in the City of Northville. It is anticipated that the proposed superstructure will consist of a prefabricated timber structure. This structure will reduce construction time and will blend in with the surrounding area aesthetically. The cross section of the bridge is proposed to accommodate two 10-foot lanes and 2-foot shoulders for a total clear roadway width of 24-feet.
Questions regarding this RFP shall be submitted via e-mail, on or before October 19, 2023, at 1:00 pm, local time, and should be addressed to, Mike Domine, Director of Public Works, at and . Responses to questions will be posted as an addendum and incorporated into the terms and specifications of this RFP.