The City of Northville is seeking proposals for a comprehensive long-term (10 year) rate study of the City’s water and sanitary sewer system. The purpose of this study is to independently assess and evaluate the City’s existing water and sewer rates, to promote engagement regarding the city’s water and sanitary sewer system capital and financial needs, and to make recommendations on changes to the City’s rate structure. The broad objective of the study is to minimize rates to the greatest extent possible while continuing to appropriately fund water and sewer utility operations and maintenance, capital expenditures for system improvements and replacements, asset management, and debt service.
The study will include a comprehensive review of the City’s water and sewer fund, including historical revenues, expenses, and capital expenditures; current budgets; five-year plan; historical and projected customer growth; historical and projected consumption and usage data; current rate setting methodology; and any other information deemed necessary. Also included in this proposal is the review and evaluation of related sections of the city’s Code of Ordinances.
Questions regarding this RFP shall be submitted via e-mail, on or before October 19, 2023, at 3:00 pm, local time, and should be addressed to, Sandi Wiktorowski, Director of Finance and Mike Domine, Director of Public Works, at and . Responses to questions will be posted as an addendum and incorporated into the terms and specifications of this RFP.