Sealed proposals will be received by the City of Rochester, at the Clerk’s Office, 400 Sixth Street, Rochester, Michigan 48307 until 3:00 pm. local time on September 16, 2019 at which time, the bids from plan holders of Record will be publicly opened and read aloud. In order to be a plan holder of Record, bidders must obtain plans from Johnson & Anderson/DLZ Michigan located at 4494 Elizabeth Lake Road, Waterford, MI 48328. This will ensure that bidders receive any Addenda that may be issued.
The project consists of furnishing a 60 Kw 120/240 Vault 3 Phase Natural Gas Generator Concrete Pad, Automatic Transfer Switch, Lighting Panel, Conduit Wiring, Shrub Removal and replacement, Restoration and start-up services.
The plans and specifications are on file and may be examined on and after 10:00 A.M. on August 30, 2019 at the following locations
- Johnson & Anderson/DLZ Michigan 4494 Elizabeth Lake Road, Waterford , MI 48328
- CAM, Construction Association of Michigan - (ELECTRONIC COPIES ONLY).
- Reed Construction Data - (ELECTRONIC COPIES ONLY)
Copies may be obtained after 12:00 P.M., August 30, 2019 at the office of Johnson & Anderson/DLZ Michigan. A non-reimbursable check payable to DLZ Michigan in the amount of Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) must be deposited for each set of documents obtained. Bid Documents may be obtained by UPS Ground delivery service for an additional fee of Five Dollars ($5.00). The purchaser must supply the telephone and fax number, street address, and the name of the individual or firm whom Addenda, if any, can be directed.
A certified check or bank draft payable without condition to the City of Rochester, Treasurer, or a satisfactory bid bond executed by the bidder and a surety company in an amount of five (5%) percent of the Proposal amount shall be submitted with each bid, as a guarantee of good faith and the same to be subject to the conditions stipulated in the Instructions to Bidders.
The right to accept any proposal, to reject any or all proposals, and to waive defects in the proposals is reserved by the Owner.