Summary of Specifications:
Scope of Services Being Solicited This Request for Proposals (the “RFP”) is issued by the City Southfield (the City). The RFP requests Technical and Cost Proposals from qualified Vendors (the “Proposers”) to provide collection of solid waste in the form of refuse, recyclables and yard waste for all single-family residential housing units, and special solid waste services within the City including the potential for collection and disposal of solid waste from City-utilized containers, in accordance with the provisions of this RFP. The work to be performed under this contract shall consist of providing refuse, recyclable, bulky item and yard waste collection and disposal services. The Proposer shall be responsible for designating the refuse disposal location (landfill or transfer station) and yard waste composting site and including all tip fees, surcharges, and taxes in the cost proposal. The selected contractor shall be responsible for providing and maintaining all labor, equipment, materials, tools, insurance, permits, supervision and all other items necessary to collect and dispose of the designated solid waste in accordance with all applicable local, state and federal requirements.