The DDA is considering the implementation of a facade grant program to assist eligible property owners with appropriate facade improvements to their buildings. As a prelude to this effort the DDA would like to highlight several building examples of what renovations could accomplish. The three example buildings are included at the end of this proposal.
The selected architectural firm would be required to submit a concept for each of the three buildings along with an approximate range of probable renovation costs. This information will be used to establish the facade grant program requirements.
Interested firms shall submit their sealed proposals no later than May 25, 2023, at 4:00 PM to the following location: City of Trenton City Hall, 2800 3rd Street, Trenton, Ml 48183, Office of the City Clerk. Sealed proposals should be clearly marked "Downtown Facade Concepts."
Proposals should include the following information:
1 . Cover Letter, signed by the person authorized to bind the firm into an agreement.
2. Complete legal name, address, telephone number, email address DUNS number, and Tax Identification Number.
3. Briefly identify your firm, the date established, organizational structure, number of employees and support resources available to complete the Summary of Services outlined in the RFP.
4. List the qualifications of key personnel who would be assigned to this project including relative experience, degrees, certifications, professional affiliations, and a description of the approach the consultant will employ in carrying out the work described in the Summary of Services.
5. Proposed time schedule for a general work plan to complete the architectural services, including target dates for construction relative to the scope of work as outlined in the RFP.
6. At least three (3) references of past clients with similar Summary of Services conducted and the period that was involved to complete the client's projects. Include company name, address, contact name, and phone number.
7. Proposed not-to-exceed budget (including expenses) for complete project.
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