The City of Wixom, in partnership with the Wixom Downtown Development Authority (DDA), is soliciting for comprehensive Branding, Logo and Signage development services to help the community establish an updated and cohesive brand which bridges a variety of interest groups and services to present a common theme. The goal is for the City and its subsidiary components, including Parks & Recreation and the DDA, to have visually unique but interrelated logos and branding that establish consistent visual representations, themes and messaging for the City of Wixom through gateway signage, boundary signage, and wayfinding. This brand should harmonize City government, Downtown Wixom, City business and industrial assets, tourism initiatives, special events, parks and recreation amenities and Wixom’s cultural and historical assets.
This Request for Proposal is intended to solicit and secure proposals from consultants with experience working with diverse interests within cities of a size similar to Wixom to focus community branding and signage development. The consultant will provide recommendations that best leverage investments to accomplish the City’s needs/goals, as well as sample signage that could be bid for installation. The specifications provided by the successful bidder will meet or exceed all requirements described in this Request for Proposals and any additional bid and contract documents provided by the City and DDA.
Proposals will be accepted by the City Clerk, City of Wixom, 49045 Pontiac Trail, Wixom, MI 48393 until Tuesday, September 5, 2023 at 10 AM.
Envelopes must be plainly marked “BRANDING, LOGO, AND SIGNAGE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES” and must bear the name of the proposer. All proposals must be signed by a legally authorized agent of the proposing firm.