Summary of Specifications:
The consultant will be assigned the task of completing an identified Phase I and Limited Phase II ESA for the following three commercial properties (see attached).
1) Completion of a Phase I - ESA in accordance with the ASTM Practice E 1527-05 “Standard Practice of Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process.”
2) Completion of a typical survey and the collection of samples to test for the presence of asbestos containing building materials (ACBMs) and lead-based paints within the two existing small site buildings. The results of the ACBMs and lead-based paint survey will include recommendations for removal or follow-up testing, if indicated.
3) The completion of a limited Phase II Investigation based on known or suspected environmental concerns as identified by the City, and as based on the general past uses of the site (railroad right-of-way; auto repair shop).
This Phase should include the advancement of a maximum total of four (4) soil borings on the site, to a maximum depth of fifteen (15’) feet below ground surface or five (5’) feet below where water is encountered.
A soil sample to be collected from boring for laboratory analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (SVOCs), PCBs, and lead, cadmium, and chromium. The soil boring nearest the railroad right-of-way will also be analyzed for Pesticides and Herbicides. If ground water is encountered, each of the four (4) soil borings will be converted into temporary monitoring wells, and ground water samples will be collected and analyzed for the same potential contaminants. If ground water is not encountered within fifteen (15’) feet of the surface, then no water sample will be collected at a boring location.
4) The preparation of a Phase I and limited Phase II ESA report. This will include the recommendation for additional project activities, not included within this RFP and cost estimate, as necessary.
Bidders are encouraged to completely review the scope of services (attached) and submit alternate recommendations with respect to compounds identified for analysis, numbers of borings and depths of such.