Summary of Specifications:
This Request for Proposal (RFP) is designed to secure quality workforce development programs and services for Livingston County residents who qualify for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) programs, Partnership, Accountability, Training and Hope (PATH) program and other workforce development programs. The Livingston County Workforce Development Council (LCWDC) is charged by the Governor with implementing the Michigan Works! “One Stop” system and provides policy guidance and oversight for all WIOA programs, Wagner Peyser Act - Employment Services, the PATH Program and other workforce development programs in Livingston County. The LCWDC is responsible for the review and approval of all contracted programs and services. Livingston County Michigan Works! (LCMW), a department of the County of Livingston, serves as staff to the LCWDC and administers programs and services which the LCWDC oversees. There are three different program areas listed in this Request for Proposal (RFP). Bidders may bid to provide services in any or all three of the program areas: 1. WIOA Adult and Dislocated Worker services 2. Partnership, Accountability, Training and Hope (PATH) welfare reform services 3. Business Services At least one contract will be awarded in each of the areas listed above.