DWS - 935 – GSI Maintenance & Restoration – As Needed in the City of Detroit
The work consists of furnishing all material, equipment and labor necessary to perform maintenance, and/or irrigation of green stormwater infrastructure projects for the City of Detroit Water and Sewerage Department (DWSD).
The work includes furnishing and placing of topsoil in a surface course on suitable prepared base and filling of depressions (e.g. located in bioretention areas) in the vegetated areas; furnishing and sowing with seed on prepared bed, furnishing and installing approved fertilizer; replacement/installation of plantings and trees; furnishing, laying, and anchoring mulch material as needed. The work includes maintenance of permeable pavement and permeable paver areas.
The work requires maintaining each location as required to establish and maintain fully functional green stormwater infrastructure systems by inspecting and performing maintenance tasks as needed including: mowing, resodding/reseeding, trimming plants, plus pruning dead and broken branches, removal of invasive plants by hand-weeding, remove, replace or redistribute mulch, watering the vegetation areas as required. The work shall also include removal and properly dispose of trash, litter, and debris, removing debris from overflow structure and refill with aggregate, repair erosion, move concrete apron rocks back to correct location at inlet scour protection, and removing sediment build up from permeable pavers, etc. The work will be located at the DWSD green stormwater infrastructure project sites. The GSI project sites, specific maintenance work that is to be performed and the frequency at which the tasks shall be performed is defined in the “Municipal Stormwater Maintenance Manual”.