The Mayor’s Workforce Development Board (MWDB) is directly responsible and accountable to the State of Michigan, Talent Investment Agency/Workforce Development Agency (TIA/WDA) for the planning and oversight of talent development programs in the City of Detroit. Detroit Employment Solutions Corporation (DESC) is the fiscal and administrative agent designated by the MWDB. DESC’s primary funding streams include Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) that funds Michigan’s PATH (Partnership. Accountability. Training. Hope.) employment program, Food Assistance Employment and Training (FAE&T), Wagner-Peyser Employment Services (ES), and other public and private funding. DESC oversees the Detroit Michigan Works! One-Stop Service Centers and contracts with qualified entities to provide workforce development services to job seekers and employers. Locally, the Michigan Works! One-Stop Service Centers are branded as Detroit at Work Career Centers.
In February 2017, the City of Detroit launched Detroit at Work to build Detroit’s talent pool, create
opportunity for Detroiters, and give employers access to a demand-driven talent pipeline. Detroit at
Work offers residents and employers a simplified brand to serve as the umbrella for all City of Detroit
workforce development efforts. This includes the Michigan Works! One-Stop Service Centers and
PATH locations and other training/employment programs that are developed and implemented by
DESC, the MWDB, and its various workforce development partners. Locally, the Michigan Works!
One-Stop Service Centers are branded as Detroit at Work Career Centers. Other service sites are
designated as Detroit at Work partner sites.
DESC is seeking proposals from qualified individuals and/or firms to provide Graphic Design
services for the Detroit Employment Solutions Corporation (DESC), Detroit at Work and the
Mayor’s Workforce Development Board (MWDB).