The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit professional firms (contractor) for detailed proposals to supply the expected services. A quality-based selection process will be used for evaluating proposals, whereby the Contractors will be rated based on their responses to the RFP by a Review Committee as one of the contractors most qualified to perform this work.
The selected contractor will provide traffic control services as directed by WRC. The expected work is temporary traffic control (TTC) services for scheduled work, TTC services for unscheduled work and training services.
Contractor will furnish all labor, equipment, materials, supplies and other incidentals to perform work unless specifically noted including but not limited to setup, maintenance, and breakdown of scheduled TTC, setup, maintenance and breakdown of unscheduled work requiring TTC, etc. Work will be done in accordance with Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT), Road Commission for Oakland County standards (RCOC) and other roadway jurisdictional authorities standards and requirements. Contractor must adhere to all local, county and state construction and safety standards, including but not limited to MIOSHA standards, RCOC standards, MDOT standards, etc.