1.02 Scope of Work/Technical Specifications and Objective
The Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transportation (SMART) is soliciting quotes to award a one year firm-fixed price requirements contract for R134A Freon in 30lb canisters to be delivered to various SMART locations listed in (Section: 1.04). The 30lb canisters will have no deposit, rental, or core charge. The estimated annual usage is listed on the pricing table in (Section: 3.01). Once an order is placed, delivery is to be made within 3 business days. It is SMART’s intent to award the contract to one vendor, however, SMART reserves the right to award to multiple vendors if SMART, at its sole option, deems such action to be in its best interests.
1.03 Specifications
Prices are firm from the date the Contract becomes effective. Descriptions of cylinders are only for the purpose of quoting and as an attempt to present a general overview of SMART’s annual usages.
The cylinders annual usage’s shown are estimated only based on the past years usage and is not a guarantee of future usage.
1. Show price per unit of measure shown. No monthly rental rate, deposit fee, or core charge is to be charged. All fees associated with this quote must be shown. No hidden fees will be accepted.
2. The size of the cylinders shown in this quote are accepted United States industry standards and as such, no substitution in sizes will be permitted. Submission of a quote substituting sizes will be rejected as non-responsive.
3. The cost of all cylinders shall be included in the quoted price. The vendor shall otherwise
maintain all cylinders labeled in good condition according to commonly accepted, agreed procedures and practices, with reasonable wear and tear accepted.
4. Please include Safety Data Sheet (SDS) with bid submission.
1.04 Locations
Normal delivery hours shall be between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday, excluding Holidays.
Delivery is “F. O. B.” Destination with no delivery charges to SMART.
Current SMART Terminal Addresses are as follows:
Macomb Terminal Oakland Terminal Wayne Terminal
34705 Centaur Drive 2021 Barrett 30000 N. Industrial Drive
Clinton Twp., MI 48035 Troy, MI 48084 Inkster, MI 48184
SMART reserves the right to add or delete any location and the adding or deleting of a location
or operation will not affect the quoted prices.