Summary of Specifications:
The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit proposals from qualified consultants to furnish professional services to develop and implement an ArcIMS based housing analysis website as part of an Affordable Housing Needs Assessment for Washtenaw County. The consultant will be expected to collaborate with the housing needs assessment vendor, J-Quad & Associates, the Washtenaw County/Ann Arbor City Office of Community Development, and Washtenaw County and Ann Arbor City IT department to design and develop a GIS based website that will display the results of the housing study and provide analysis tools for city/county staff and project partners.
The goal of the Affordable Housing Needs Assessment, and the GIS website outlined in this request for proposal, is to provide a tool for decision makers to more effectively implement regional planning, allocate resources, leverage funds, and develop additional affordable housing based on study results. The Office of Community Development will specifically use the information to prioritize funding for Community Development projects, including income targeting, location, bedroom number, tenure and type of activity (new construction, acquisition, or rehabilitation). In addition, the City and County will address the identified impediments to affordable housing. The information collected through the study and the results will need to be widely shared and distributed to encourage public-private partnerships and community discourse on long-term planning objectives and to fund specific housing, neighborhood infrastructure and mixed-use economic development projects.