The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to obtain bids from qualified CONTRACTORS to provide the labor, materials, and equipment necessary to replace an existing Layne Bowler Pump/Motor/Turbine/Column at Rolling Hills County Park – Water Park, located in Ypsilanti, Michigan. The work includes removal of an existing Layne Bowler Pump/Motor/Turbine/Column unit, and supplying, installation, and start-up of a new direct replacement with US Motor or approved equal, as specified in the Proposal section; including all associated materials for a complete operational system. The work involves obtaining any required permits, confined space entry plan and permit, retrofitting existing site conditions to accommodate new equipment, and training of pump operation with facility staff.
All work must be completed by CONTRACTORS experienced in these trades and have worked on similar projects with municipalities in the past. The bidder must demonstrate knowledge and considerable experience in pump and motor manufacturing, installation, and operation.
Bidders must complete the Experience and Qualifications section of this RFP. Based on the response to this RFP, including, experience, ability, financial standing, and bid prices submitted, the County will select a CONTRACTOR that is considered best to provide the required services.