Summary of Specifications:
1. Proposals must be received by October 1, 2013 at 2:00 p.m. Mountain time. 2. A selection committee may, at its discretion, interview the top qualified firms submitting a proposal, prior to making a final selection or recommendation. 3. Offeror shall submit one original (marked “ORIGINAL”) and three (3) identical copies of the proposal. Each proposal must contain all forms marked “PROPOSAL FORM” in this request for proposals. 4. Proposals shall have a letter of transmittal 5. Proposals shall have a bidder’s certification (included at the end of this document). 6. Proposals shall have FDIC information 7. Proposals shall submit a Campaign Contribution Disclosure Form with your response (included at the end of this document). 8. Proposals shall submit a Resident Certification Number if any resident business is registered with the State Purchasing Agent if applicable. 9. Proposals shall submit a Resident Veterans Preference Certification if applicable (included at the end of this document). 10. The Bank shall provide, at a minimum, the following online banking services: a. Daily/current balances for all accounts b. Daily account activity with detail c. History query for at least 90 days d. Access to online statements e. Viewable instruments (cancelled checks & deposit slips) f. Fund transfers between Roosevelt County accounts with verification g. “Send a File” for bi-monthly payroll files h. Wire Transfers i. ACH Payments j. ACH Receipts 11. The bank shall be available to provide on-site training, if requested, to Roosevelt County Treasurer’s office employees for all online banking services.