The County of Albany is seeking proposals from agencies interested in providing Congregate
Meals for older adult residents (age 60+) of Albany County as requested by the Albany County
Department for Aging. The Albany County Congregate Meal Program is sponsored by the Albany County
Department for Aging, (ACDFA) through Federal, State, and County government funding as
authorized under the Older Americans Act.
The Goal of the Albany County Department for Aging Congregate Meal Program is to ensure
that all eligible senior citizens 60 years and older be served a quality meal in a comfortable
and social setting. The Successful Proposer (hereinafter denoted as "Proposer") shall be
required to follow Nutrition Program Standards, as directed and monitored by the ACDFA.
It is understood that all Proposers share in the mission of the Albany County Department for
Aging “…to empower Albany County seniors and their families by providing access to…
nutritional services of the highest quality, enabling them to maintain an independent lifestyle
for as long as possible.” The Proposer shall demonstrate thorough knowledge of the Older Americans Act (OAA) that
the congregate senior nutrition program provides much more than access to a healthy meal,
by providing an opportunity for seniors to gather in an environment, which supports physical
and social well-being.