BIDDER WARRANTIES: By providing your response of acknowledgement, the Bidder certifies, warrants and represents that:
*it/they will not delegate or subcontract its responsibilities under an agreement without the express prior written permission of the Byram Hills Central School District.
*it/they is/are an Authorized Hytera Dealer, and that bidder’s workmanship and materials are compliant with industry accepted practices and building codes and are in accordance with industry accepted guidelines.
*it/they hold(s) any required permits and meet all regulations as required by federal, state, and local authorities to provide such goods and/or services bidding on.
*all information provided by it/them in connection with this proposal is true and accurate.
no member of the Byram Hills Central School District nor any officer or employee thereof, is directly or indirectly benefited from the bid proposal.
BIDDER GUARANTEES: By providing your response of acknowledgement to this section, the Bidder represents that:
*it/they have read all of the Bid Documents including all of the Exhibits and addendums;
*it/they have full understanding of the quality and expectations of the deliverables for the project(s) they bid on;
*it/they agree to the rights as detailed are retained by the Byram Hills Central School District; and
*it/they will provide items/services in accordance with the terms and conditions and at the prices stated in the Contractor’s bid response for the entire contract period. Failure to fulfill any requirements of the Bid documents provided may result in being considered nonresponsive.