A.TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR RFB-2464 PVC IN-LINE DRAINAGE BASINS 1. GENERAL This specification describes minimum material and quality requirements for in line surface drainage basins, risers, frames, grates and appurtenances; products offered must meet or exceed these specifications. 2. DRAINAGE BASINSSPECIFICATIONS: a) Basins shall have opening diameters listed on bid sheet. Unless otherwise ordered, the two openings shall be 180° or 90° from each other and sized for corrugated polyethylene pipe. b) Basins shall have solid bottoms and shall have either plastic grates suitable for down areas or ductile iron grates suitable for receiving vehiculartraffic. c) The height/depth of basins shall be as noted. d) Basins shall include all frames, risers, grates, covers and gaskets and other items necessary to make the connections to corrugated polyethylenepipe. 3. IN-LINE DRAIN SPECIFICATIONS: a) In-line drain structures shall be listed on bid sheet according to the diameter of the grate opening. Each in-line drain shall be manufactured to allow for a variation of diameters of riser pipes and/or fittings (4” through 24”) for direct attachment to the in-line drain units. Each unit shall consist of a PVC Body, frame, ductile iron grates for cover and a rubber gasket. 4. PVC DRAINAGE PRODUCTSSPECIFICATIONS: a) The ductile iron frame, ductile iron grate and cover for each of these fittings is an integral part of the surface drainage inlet and shall be furnished by the same manufacturer. b) The in-line drains, drain basins and catch basins required for this contract shall be manufactured from PVC pipe stock, utilizing a thermo molding process to reform the pipe stock to the furnished configuration. The drainage pipe connection stubs shall be manufactured from PVC pipe stock and formed to provide a watertight connection with the piping system specified. The joint tightness shall conform to ASTM D3212. The pipe connection stubs shall be joined to the main body of the drain basin or catch basin utilizing a watertight,‟ wedged-type connection” with appropriate gaskets. c) The pipe stock used to manufacture the main body and pipe stubs of the surface drainage inlets shall meet either ASTM D3034 or ASTM D679. The s‟wedge gasket material and the gaskets used to form the connection joint with pipe stub shall meet the requirements of ASTM F477. Surface drainage products shall meet the mechanical property requirement for fabricated fittings as described in ASTM F794, F979, andF1336. d) The grates furnished for all surface drainage inlets shall be ductile iron and shall be made specifically for each fitting. Grates for 12” and larger catch basins and inline drains shall be capable of supporting H-20 wheel loading. Grates for each catch basins and inline drain inlets smaller than 12” shall be capable of supporting light wheel load traffic. Metal used in the manufacture of the castings shall conform to ASTM A-48-83 class 30B for gray iron. The castings shall be furnishedwith a black paint finish. e) Bidder shall list all other grate operations available, such as square grates and curb inlet structures. No bid price is required for these additional items listed. RFB-2464 PVC Drainage Basin Page 10 of 24 11/18/2022 5. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT: a) Unit price bid per each for PVC In-Line Drainage Structures and Appurtenances shall include all materials andfreight.