Summary of Specifications:
The Chemung County Sheriff’s Office requires its fleet of vehicles to be in good repair and maintained in a manner that provides safe, working and effective vehicles to be available for all shifts. Some fleet vehicles are used on a continuous basis by different drivers and some vehicles are driven less frequently. This contract will facilitate preventive maintenance for vehicles on a scheduled basis, depending upon use, and repairs on an as needed basis. Vendor must provide New York Inspection services for each automobile in the fleet. Awarded vendor must sustain priority service to the Sheriff Office’s fleet vehicles. Drive time to and from the service facility will be minimal to allow minimal down-time for law enforcement personnel. There will be no outsourcing of mechanical work unless prior approval is received in writing from the Sheriff’s Office. A monthly report will be completed and sent to the Sheriff’s office showing work done on each vehicle, identifying the vehicle, mileage, what type of work was required and listing labor hours, labor cost, parts cost and total cost of repair or service. An annual report will be done on each car providing the same information.