Summary of Specifications:
Supply fertilizer for 7 fertilizations (City to apply), Broadleaf weed control, Grub control, 1 Aeration of infield and foul area, 1 Top dressing of infield and foul area, 7 Tissue tests and 1 soil test, Fungicide and surface insect application, Apply Roundup along warning track (twice) 2 hour consultation on a weekly basis
All work will include any needed recommendations (consultations) at that time, i.e. irrigation scheduling, pest control, etc. Fertilizations would begin 2nd week of May to 2nd week of November. Any additional nutrients that are needed i.e. soil (Spring and Fall) & tissue tests (monthly) will be free. Aerifications will be approximately 4”x 4” spacing using hollow tines at a depth of 4 to 6 inches. Prices do not include core removal (we will drag cores). Top dressing price includes cost of sand. Broadleaf weed, grub, and one surface insect control application could be made at the same time reducing pesticide notification. General fertilizer must be slow release. Nitrogen to potassium can’t be more than 2 to 1. Must contain a micronutrient package. All pesticides and herbicides must be applied according to all State and Federal requirements and all notifications must be strictly adhered to. All pesticides must be applied at the minimal rates necessary to be effective and should be applied in an environmentally sensitive manner.
Weekly consultation (1 hour visit) for 6 months All consultations will include any needed recommendations at that time, i.e. irrigation scheduling, pest control, mowing, preparation, etc.