Summary of Specifications:
A. Snow and Ice Removal: Shoveling snow, spreading sand/ice melt/grit: Snow shall be cleared to the full width of sidewalk or to a width of four (4) feet, whichever is less. Sand/ ice melt, and grit shall be spread such that all portions of walks with ice cover are treated adequately based on the amount of ice, the outdoor temperature at the time, and the expected temperature in the immediate future. Billing shall be based on linear footage of property frontage as shown on the Real Property Tax Map for the City of Oneonta. Billing for corner properties, when both frontages are cleared, shall include an additional 10 linear feet to cover the cost of clearing to the curb at each street frontage at the intersection. Use of sand, ice melt, and/or grit shall be only at the direction of the City as to both whether or not to spread and what materials to use. B. Trash and Junk Removal: Removal of trash w/trucking on properties determined by the Code Enforcement Office to be in violation of codes, as assigned. C. Yard Care: Mowing & trimming on properties determined by the Code Enforcement Office to be in violation of codes, as assigned.