Summary of Specifications:
TASK 1: Master Plan Consultant will conduct an analysis of City Department’s current communications equipment and capabilities in all City departments. The analysis will encompass all services (Police, Fire, Ambulance (EMS) Public Transit, Dept. of Public Service, Engineering Dept., et al.) TASK 2: Formal Competition Consultant will recommend to, and assist the City in development and preparation of formal competition, for a comprehensive communications solution for City government. The City reserves the right to determine the appropriate form of competition. · RFP tasking would focus on development of a detailed listing of City requirements; to include equipment, scope of work, engineering, project management, installation, training, project scheduling, system testing, cut over planning, implementation and documentation. Review and vendor selection will center on selection of the best qualified and most cost effective vendor for implementation of system. · Technical Specifications for bid would address all equipment requirements, installation, training, scheduling of installation, system testing, cut over planning, implementation and documentation. Review of submissions by bidders would be required, including determinations of “as equal” during the bid process and determination as to whether apparent low bidder fully meets specifications. TASK 3: Implementation Consultant will assist City in its vendor selection process and equipment acquisitions, and will oversee all aspects of final implementation.