This is a locally finded project that includes the design and preparation of engineering reports and construction contact documents for improvements to a local street in the City's northwest quadrant.
The project includes the realignment of River Street from CSX / 503 River Street to 565 River
Street, as the final phase of the River Street Extension Project
A Professional Services Agreement resulting from this RFP shall commence on the agreement start date for a term that shall exted until three (3) months after the completion of a two (2) year guarantee inspection of the project.
A Pre-Proposal Meeting is not being held. Respondents are encouraged to visit the project site and may sumit questions prior to the deadline for questions to the individuals shown below:
Primary Contact/Project Manager:
Lauren Monaghan, P.E.
(585) 428-7571
Secondary Contact:
Dominic Fekete, P.E.
(585) 428-6767
All communications by parties who have indicated an intent to submit or have submitted a
proposal in response to this RFP (“Respondents”), including any questions or requests for
clarifications, submission of the proposal, requests for status updates about the proposal
selection process and any other inquiries whatsoever concerning this RFP shall be sent, in
writing, to the City staff person(s) shown above.
No contact is permitted with any other City staff member with regard to this RFP during the RFP
process unless specifically authorized in writing. Prohibited contact may be grounds for