Project involves the demolition with non-friable asbestos in place of 136 residential structures at the former Park Drive Estates Housing Development. Work also includes abatement of friable asbestos containing materials (ACM) from 67 of the 136 structures prior to the above demolition activities. All generated waste will be sent to the Oneida-Herkimer Solid Waste Authority (OHSWA). Contractor is responsible for transportation of all generated friable ACM to OHSWA facility. OHSWA will provide transportation of generated non-friable ACM/C&D debris to facility. Contractor shall provide coordination with City of Rome and public utility companies for utility disconnections and shall perform all work necessary for the utility disconnections including, but not limited to, capping, sealing, and abandonment. The concrete foundation and slab demolition, removal, transportation, and disposal; erosion and sediment control; and all other work necessary for the demolition and removal of demolition debris and restoration shall be performed by the contractor. The OHSWA will invoice the City of Rome directly for all tipping fees associated with friable and non-friable ACM and demolition debris.