Summary of Specifications:
The City of Troy, NY intends to engage an appropriately qualified consulting firm to assist with the redevelopment of the site of its existing City Hall and adjoining parking structure. The redevelopment of the City Hall site represents a singular opportunity to: (1) Visually and physically enhance public access to the Hudson Riverfront, linking the riverfront and downtown; (2) Create a dramatic southern entrance to Riverfront Park; and (3) Build a new structure(s) on part of the site. The City of Troy, NY will develop a public/private partnership to redevelop the Project Area to include a public park on the roof of a concealed parking garage as part of a mixed use development that will include a building(s) that will provide space that may include retail, commercial, governmental and/or residential uses. The new building(s) will be complimentary to downtown's waterfront and downtown setting and compatible with the scale and character of the surrounding architecture. The sub-surface parking area would serve the needs of the privately developed mixed-use building(s), other downtown businesses and Riverfront Park. Conversion of the site to a park will increase civic space, provide an additional public access point to Riverfront Park and create an area to hold performances.