The purpose of this Request for Bid (hereinafter “RFB”) is to inform Transportation Contractors of a potential business opportunity to provide “transportation services” for the Yonkers Public Schools and Yonkers Board of Education, which is also referred to herein as “YPS” or “School District.” References to “City” shall mean “City of Yonkers”.
YPS seeks qualified Transportation Contractors to provide In-District Special Education, Out-of-District Special Education, McKinney Vento and Athletics Transportation Services for the 2022-23, 2023-24 and 2024-25 School Years; however, YPS reserves the right to award each transportation contract for a single school year. Transportation Contractors will transport students on an as needed basis to fulfill additional routes that existing contracted Transportation vendors are presently unable to provide. The School District anticipates that multiple contracts with more than one vendor will result from this RFB. The Yonkers Public Schools may offer to extend or cancel any contracts it enters into based on this bid at the end of each school year.
All transportation contracts will begin upon award. Regular and Special Education student transportation is provided to qualifying Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 8 students. Other service types may cover Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 12 students including, but not limited to, McKinney Vento (students in temporary housing) and Foster Care. Students must be transported to and from school regularly, promptly, safely, and without interruption or adverse incidents.
The contract period is expected to be for three (3) years running through June 30, 2025; however, YPS reserves the right to award a contract(s) for a one (1) school year term ending June 30, 2023.. Each school year will start on September 1 and end on June 30; summer school will start July 1 and end on August 31. Contracts will be reviewed on a yearly basis, and can be extended at an increase equal to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) issued by New York State Education Department on or about June 1 or at a lower rate as negotiated between the Yonkers Public Schools and the Contractor. By June 1 of each year, YPS must receive for the coming school year the following documents, determined as to sufficiency by the Law Department: performance bond, insurance certificate, current NYS DOT profile letter, roster of all 19-A compliant drivers to be used by YPS, and roster of all SED compliant monitors to be used by YPS.