Contractor shall provide all labor, supervision, equipment, material and chemical to remove struvite from existing underground pipes using chemical injection process. Contractor shall utilize Struvicide O Remove agent Mfg. by Grignard or approved equal. Work to be performed on an as needed basis. Quantities are estimated actual quantity may be more or less.
Contractor shall provide inspection before and after treatment. Contractor shall submit documentation video/photos to the RCSD#1 showing that a minimum of 90% of the struvite has been removed.
FIELD DEMONSTATION - At the RCSD#1 wastewater treatment plant in Orangeburg, NY, the apparent low bidder shall perform a field demonstration initially at their expense utilizing representative equipment on piping that has a minimum of 50% accumulated mineral blockage. If the field demonstration is successful, the apparent low bidder may be awarded and paid under the contract for this work. If the field demonstration is unsuccessful, the apparent low bidder will be responsible for all of the costs associated with the field demonstration. The County reserves the right to move to award to the next lowest responsible responsive bidder whose field demonstration meets the criteria for removal. If a field demonstration was done previously at the RCSD#1 wastewater treatment plant in Orangeburg, NY, a field demonstration is not required. If required, and upon request, the contractor shall commence the field demonstration within five (5) business days from date of request.