The purpose of this RFP is to solicit proposals from qualified companies to provide and maintain approximately 59 digital copier / multifunction devices (See Appendix B for list of current copiers). The proposal will include future requirements for this type of equipment.
Prices are to be based on Cost per Copy basis, to include all maintenance, parts, drums, repair service and supplies, including staples, (excluding paper), delivery, set up, installation, test copies, travel time, mileage, removal and shipping and for authorized moves during the contract. All digital devices must be network capable and be able to be connected to the Genesee County computer network. All devices must be capable of integrating seamlessly with Docuware document management system that is being implemented within Genesee County. Each unit must be equipped with the software and hardware necessary to provide the functionality and connectivity as outlined in these specifications. The Proposer must offer options that involve adequate support for this environment.
The Proposer shall be responsible for providing ALL phases of copier service. This shall include providing new devices, delivery, set-up and removal (if necessary), providing prompt maintenance (both preventative and remedial), test copies, service travel time, mileage, providing all supplies (except paper), authorized moves during the contract, all parts, including drums, routine inspections, adjustments, providing accounting and invoicing both initial and unlimited continuous operator training. The Proposer shall provide reports which are listed within these specifications at the intervals specified. The cost for the foregoing services shall be included in the unit price per copy.
Proposer will maintain ownership of all copiers covered under this agreement.