Orange-Ulster BOCES requires the services of qualified Expert-Level Specialist individuals, nonprofit organizations, or firms (vendors) that have a minimum of ten (10) years of national experience in instructor facilitated professional learning experiences for teachers and administrators. We are interested in firms or individuals that can address the following areas:
1. Development of and implementation of Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) model programming
2. Assessment of school and district preparedness to manage crisis using the CISM model
3. Development of and implementation of K-12 Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
4. Educational leadership, school/district management, & leadership development centered on crises in schools, SEL models, and CISM models.
5. K-12 SEL pedagogy and instructional materials
6. CISM pedagogy and instructional materials
7. School culture and climate in during crises management
8. Current emerging topics in SEL, CISM, counseling, emergency response, and crisis management
9. Current research base of high-quality practice in SEL, CISM, counseling, emergency response, and crisis management
10. Development of internal supports and development of SEL or CISM models in schools/districts
11. Assessment of SEL, CISM, and similar nationally recognized models for emotion-focused support, instruction, and learning
12. SEL and professional learning techniques
13. CISM and professional learning techniques
All Expert-Level Specialist services centered on Emotion-Focused Professional Learning, Curriculum Development/Implementation, and Crisis Management must be high quality, research-based with field-tested tools/resources for job-embedded applications, reference professional literature, and include assessments of the professional learning. Each course must yield positive results against Thomas R. Guskey’s five levels of professional development evaluation for school professionals. All professional learning courses must be aligned with NYSED Professional Learning Standards.