The intent of these specifications is to furnish information to prospective bidders in order to obtain proposals. The Tompkins County Department of Recycling and Materials Management is seeking qualifications from engineering firms interested in providing engineering services to the Department. Requests for Qualifications should be uploaded to BidNetDirect (see instructions under Submission of Qualifications).
Background: The Tompkins County Recycling and Solid Waste Center located at 160 Commercial Avenue Ithaca, New York was originally constructed in 1995. The original recycling area of the building is 28,324 square feet and roughly 30 feet high, with a single floor level. The attached office area is 3,392 square feet, is a single-story building. Additional buildings located on the site are Household Hazardous Waste Facility, Food Waste Recycling Building, Weigh Station, and two Public Drop-off Areas one of which consists of a group of five (5) shed-type structures. The Recycling Building is protected by a combination wet/dry sprinkler system that was installed at the time the building was constructed. Significant building upgrades have taken place in 2011, 2015 and 2021.