The project proposes the demolition, removal and off-site disposal of the existing bath house structure,
removal and replacement of all plumbing fixtures and fabrication and installation of a replacement
timber frame structure. The project includes new dressing and shower areas, ADA compliant
bathrooms, dressing and shower stalls. Contractors may submit bids for the General Contractor Scope
of Work, the Timber Frame Contractor Scope of Work or both, as detailed on the Bid Sheets and
described in the Special Conditions.
Contract Documents may be obtained on or after December 2, 2024 on the Town of Lewisboro
Website at or via Bid Net at A pre-bid meeting
will be held at the site, Town Park, NYS Route 35, on December 16, 2024 at 10:00 A.M. The pre-bid
meeting is non-mandatory for those contractors only bidding on the timber building fabrication and
installation. The meeting is mandatory for any general contractor that will submit a bid for the
general construction.
Potential bidders who have downloaded the Bid Documents shall provide their contact information to in the event any addendums to the Bid Documents are issued.