The County of Warren is soliciting proposals for a comprehensive building assessment funded by a Community Development Block grant. The project site is located at Countryside Adult Home (hereafter CSAH), 353 Schroon River Road, Warrensburg, NY 12885. CSAH provides room and board, personal care assistance, meal preparation, and twenty-tour (24) hour supervision for its residents. Currently it hosts 33 residents, with a total capacity of 48. The building is 19,688 square feet, on a 28.89 acre lot. The project site is limited to the parcel that the CSAH sits on and the lands immediately surrounding it.
The Consultant selected to provide the building assessment will be required to complete the following scope of work.
- General review of any existing construction documents related to the facility and completion of a site investigation of the facility which documents and accesses the condition of existing finishes and systems. This will include all HVAC, lighting and power systems for the CSAH.
- Analyze and determine expected useful life, safety improvements, thermal efficiency improvements and code mandated improvements.
- Evaluate operational and quality of life improvements.
- Determine the potential for on-site energy production.
- Develop a comprehensive report with technical backup that presents evaluations and recommendations organized by site, structural, architectural, hazardous material, mechanical, plumbing and electrical systems.
- Within each trade group, prioritize recommended capital work according to code requirements, safety, operational and efficiency criteria.
- Produce electronic floor plans, identifying the locations of recommended capital improvements coordinated with cost estimates.
- Attend meetings as follows: one initial meeting with the County’s Facility Manager and the Director of the CSAH to review available documents and to discuss priority areas and the proposed completion schedule for the on-site evaluation; one meeting with key project representatives at 50 percent completion level and to identify any additional costs for material samplings, testing for ACM within the building, and in the roof assembly; one meeting at the 80 percent completion level to review findings and to determine the work schedule for the final 15 percent; and one final meeting with County officials as identified.
- Building assessment and report generation must be completed within 60 days of notification to proceed.