Summary of Specifications:
A. Project Overview: The purpose of the Plan is to provide the County of Warren with a Multi-Hazard, Multi-Jurisdictional Mitigation Plan that meets the requirements and approval of FEMA and DHSES, so as to ensure that the participating partners are eligible for future hazard mitigation funding. A list of the required elements for the Plan, as described in the Federal Register (Volume 67, Numbers 38 and 190, dated February 26, 2002 and October 1, 2002 respectively), is included beginning on the bottom of page three.
Once a draft of the Plan is complete, the consultant will present the findings to members of the County of Warren All-Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee (Planning Committee) for review and further input and recommendations. These comments should be integrated into the consultant’s final Plan, which will be submitted to the Planning Committee. The consultant will present the final report, with suggested changes incorporated, to members of the Planning Committee and other invited local officials.
B. Project Management:
The Warren County Soil and Water Conservation District in conjunction with Office of Emergency Services will be the administrative agency for the Plan, on behalf of the Planning Group. As such, management of, and contract administration for the Plan are primarily the responsibility of that staff.
As this Plan will be partially grant funded and partially funded by revenues from each of the participating Towns, the selected consultant is expected to provide documentation of time spent developing the Plan and to adhere to a strict budget. To ensure that development of the Plan is consistent with the budget provided, staff from The Warren County Soil and Water Conservation District in conjunction with Office of Emergency Services will meet periodically with the consultant and with the Planning Group members to monitor the expenditure of funds and progress of work.
C. Time of Duration of Services: The consultant will lead in the preparation of the Plan. However, members of the Planning Committee will provide input, information, and comments throughout the development of the Plan. It is anticipated that the Plan will take four and a half (4 1/2) months to complete. The consultant must present a draft of the Plan to the Planning Committee by December 1, 2015, and the final Plan, completed by the selected consultant, must be submitted to the Planning Committee no later than March 1, 2016. This is to allow the Planning Committee to review and comment on the draft and final plan prior to submission of the Plan to meet NYSDHSES deadlines of December 1, 2015 and May 1, 2016 respectively, and FEMA deadlines of January 1, 2016 and June 15, 2016 respectively.
The consultant will coordinate with the Warren County Planning Department regarding all GIS requirements and the Warren County Planning Department will provide all spatial analysis and mapping for the project.
D. Overall Project Design: Following is a list of the required steps in developing the Plan. For each step, the responsible agency is identified:
1. Project Initiation. Consultant selection process by Steering Committee.
2. Refinement of Scope of Work. Selected members from the Planning Committee will review and discuss with the selected consultant the Scope of Work which will include a list of steps for the Plan development, objectives for the Plan, responsibilities for specific tasks, timeline and process for documentation of time and resources spent on Plan development. Development of the Plan will begin once the members of the Planning Committee and consultant approve the work.
3. Collection of Available Data. Consultant will collect and analyze data and integrate it into the Plan as the basis for the formulation of recommendations. The consultant will also identify gaps in existing data and include recommendations to address these deficiencies.
4. Draft Plan. Once all necessary data and information is collected, the consultant will develop an initial Plan draft, with all necessary elements, including: a) Brief introduction, including context for and description of the need for the Plan. b) Brief description of the history, physical setting, land use patterns, and development trends of the areas to be covered by the Plan. c) A list and assessment of the hazards and risks to which each of the participating partners is vulnerable. d) Include the Hazard New York Analysis (HAZNY), conducted by the Warren County Office of Emergency Services and the Planning Committee. e) Summary of current federal, state and local programs and policies that address the identified risks. f) Statement of the Plan goal and objectives. g) A prioritized list of recommended strategies, programs, policies and actions to address identified hazards and risks, including those that are relevant to public facilities and infrastructure as well as general environmental conditions. The list should include a brief description of each recommendation, persons responsible for implementing recommendation, cost effectiveness of recommendations and suggested timeline for implementing recommendations. h) Strategy for evaluating, revising and implementing the Plan. i) Documentation of public participation in Plan development. j) Documentation that the participating partners have met the requirements of the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000, as described in the Federal Register (Volume 67, Numbers 38 and 190, dated February 26, 2002 and October 1, 2002 respectively).
k) Other descriptions, documentation and Plan elements as required to meet DHSES and FEMA approval. l) Include all relevant maps, graphs, charts, pictures and GIS data to support document text.
The consultant will present the Draft Plan to the Planning Committee by December 1, 2015; the members of the Planning Committee will review the written report and provide comments by December 8, 2015. The consultant will amend the Draft Plan per these comments.
5. Final Plan. By February 1, 2016, the consultant will present to members of the Planning Committee and other invited local officials the final version of the Plan, both verbally and in writing, that includes the requirements listed above and that incorporates the comments suggested by the Planning Committee members, in a format suitable for reproduction by The Warren County Soil and Water Conservation District in conjunction with Office of Emergency Services. The final Plan must also include documentation of public participation in Plan development and documentation that the participating partners have adopted the final Plan.
6. Tentative Schedule. The following is the proposed timeline for the project, but may be subject to change upon agreement with the consultant, FEMA and NYSDHSES.
Month Activity Spring 2015 Project initiation and consultant selection
Conduct formal needs and risk assessment Participating partners conduct HAZNY Assessment Participating partners collect additional data and information
Summer 2015 Development of Plan
December 1, 2015 Presentation of Draft Plan to the Planning Committee
December 8, 2015 Planning Committee review complete December 16, 2015 Start of 30 day public comments of Draft Plan January 26, 2016 Presentation of Draft Plan to NYSDHSES March 1, 2016 Revise and finalize Plan to ensure compliance with State and Federal requirements April 1, 2016 Presentation of Final Plan to participating partners May 1, 2016 Presentation of Final Plan to NYSDHSES