The Board of the Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES for Ontario, Seneca, Wayne and Yates Counties is soliciting sealed bids for Ford Vehicles or Equal. Bids will be received at the Wayne-Finger Lakes BOCES Business Office, 131 Drumlin Court, Newark, NY 14513-1863 until 3:00 PM Local Time, December 14, 2022, at which time they will be publicly opened and read.
The vehicle furnished to this specification shall meet or exceed all requirements herein. The name of any manufacturer, trade name, manufacturer or vendor catalog number mentioned in specifications and proposal sheets is for the purpose of designating a minimum standard of quality and type and for no other reason. Such references are not intended to be restrictive. Bids will be considered for any brand which meets or exceeds the quality of the specifications listed for any vehicle and additional equipment. The BOCES reserves the right to waive minor variances from the specifications, provided that these differences do not violate the specification intent, materially affect the operation for which the vehicle is being purchased, nor increase the estimated maintenance and repair cost to the BOCES. The BOCES preference is to purchase from Pre-Existing Inventory if possible. The BOCES will consider vehicles to be ordered if a bid from Pre-Existing Inventory is not available or not in the best interest of the BOCES