The project will commence on a date to be determined, targeted to be on our about July 1, 2022. The project will be completed within two (2) months.
The following questions shall be answered in a final report at the conclusion of the engagement:
Are the school department’s budgeting practices consistent with best management practices, for example, with the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA), and regulations promulgated by local and state entities, including the Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE)?
Are all funds compliant with RIDE UCOA?
Are the school department’s salaries and benefits comparable to similar communities?
Are employees being paid in accordance with existing employment agreements and collective bargaining agreements?
Is the cost of the town’s special education program comparable to similar communities?
Does the school department follow the appropriate regulations and guidelines for evaluating and enrolling students in the special education program?
Does the special education program meet or exceed the requirements of the Basic Education Program (BEP) standards as promulgated by RIDE?
Is the cost of the town’s out-of-district program comparable to similar communities?
Does the school department follow the appropriate regulations and guidelines for evaluating and enrolling students in the out-of-district program?
Does the out-of-district school program meet or exceed the requirements of the Basic Education Program (BEP) standards as promulgated by RIDE?
Is the school department’s transportation service contract cost-effective compared to comparative communities?
Are buses routed efficiently compared to leading practices and standards promulgated by local and state entities, including the RIDE?
Does the school department properly confirm the residency of students enrolled in the schools on an ongoing basis?
Are non-resident students charged the appropriate tuition, and is it collected?
Are the School department’s methods to track budget to actual comparisons adequate to allow preparation of monthly budget to actual comparison reports for the School Committee and others? If not adequate to meet that goal, identify recommendations to meet that requirement.
Have accounting system functionalities been fully utilized to generate accurate and timely budget to actual comparison reports?
Determine how special education and related costs are budgeted. Are the known IEPs of the student population considered in the budget analysis of the costs to provide services? How does the district budget for students that may move into the district and may require significant services? Identify the reason for the projected over expenditure in special education (and related costs) in fiscal 2022.
Overall, has the Middletown School Department’s participation in Newport County Regional Special Education Program yielded efficiencies and cost savings in providing services to students?
Prepare analyses using UCOA data for the last 3 fiscal years comparing Middletown to 3-5 “peer communities” for salaries, benefits, the cost of special education programs, and out-of-district program.
The firm will also prepare a budget-to-actual variance analysis for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2021.This analysis will include detailed explanations for budget adjustments and causes for material variances experienced by the department.